ΟΧΙ ΚΑΡΤΕΣ - post #6 retitled Broken when completed

After five days of hydrating-

Once the piece is hydrated I need time to study the piece.  


Detail of the texture of his back.  

The questions I ask myself-

Do I like the texture, and lines added  with a broken pieces of bailing wire?  Do I like the exposed lath that shows through the concrete? Do these marks in addition to his posture convey that the figures is beaten down, exhausted and discouraged? 


Does the Size  of the owl weigh down the figure or should he be heavier? Does the owl look corrupt? Can an owl look corrupt? 


Do the owls eyes need more feathers, should they be closed? Should the owls body be more rounded? I need time to absorb and digest how things are shaping up. I keep asking myself  are the shapes, lines and textures proposing the right questions, or making the right statements?