SYMBIOSIS — A Work in Progress


a multi-year work in progress

53.5’ X 48’

found object, Lawndale Art Center sculpture garden, native plants, compost, and mulch

photo by Nash Baker

“We see nothing of these slow changes in progress, until the hand of time has marked the long lapse of ages.”

—Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species

As an artist, I am interested in the ways that sculpture and printmaking can incorporate time and movement. My work records endangered knowledge to the collective memory and reimagines urban landscapes to holistically balance the needs of humanity and wildlife.

In Symbiosis, I am stretching my practice and creating a living piece of site-specific social sculpture that will reimagine a 53.5’ X 48’ traditional urban landscape/sculpture garden and answer the question: how do we holistically restore an ecological balance in Houston? Symbiosis is a collaboration with Lawndale Art Center’s community, neighbors, urban wildlife, and the coastal prairies carbon cycle.

The Mary E. Bawden Sculpture Garden's terrain, with its manicured landscape functions as a living found object. In phases, I will implement holistic regenerative agriculture concepts with sculptural techniques of carving and assembling, utilizing ordinary tools to manipulate organic materials such as water, clay, and carbon in a manner that will absorb light and store carbon. Together, with partners from the Lawndale community, we will sculpt the surface into the textures, colors, and scents that attract and support Houston’s urban wildlife, inviting living organisms to return to the space. Symbiosis will be a living, breathing installation, that stores carbon and absorbs rain. As temperatures dip, Symbiosis will mark the slow changes in progress; a vibrant field of greens spiked with hues of blues, cones of purples, and splashed with rods of gold will fade into winter. The withering flora will be stored as carbon in the soil of life. Their roots will follow creating cavities and nourishment for subterranean citizens to dwell and micro underground storage facilities for future downpours. Spring showers will trickle from leaf to leaf and dribble into the expanding brown sponge of living organisms, refreshing the living. A rising eastern sun will drape the surface with silent bells and clusters of stars tinted pinks and reds, bringing birds and butterflies. The likes of bustling Bombus penslyvanicaus quivering among the stamen and the stigma will deliver summer’s bounty. Every season the patina will reflect a new light, transform energy, and attract a kinetic array of species that will stipple the installation with flutter and buzz. Time will be marked by the installation’s natural rhythms and carbon cycles: when the Carolina Wren’s whistles wake up the morning, when silver haired bats fly during a summer sunset, when the Eastern Screech owls search the dark as male Mockingbirds practice their solos at full moon. It will saunter to the rhythm on the migratory pathway of the Coastal Prairie ecosystem and set its stage for urban regional art exhibitions. In the city known for its diversity of people, the garden will become a space for the voices of contemporary imaginations to sing with their natural history and influence its cultural and ecological future.

As the hand of time marks the long lapse of ages we will reconnect with the unique local landscapes that define and support Houston, Texas.

Climate Change is the DIY responsibility of all humans.


Symbiosis Celebration — Social Sculpture — economic, mineral, water, microbial, energy, consumption systems.

CARBONsink — Turning turf grass into a CARBONsink 5/2023

The Water Cycles — The truth about climate Change.

DIY- My Steps and the Six Principles of Holistic Regenerative Agriculture 6/29/21

Land Art vs. Living Sculpture 6/1/2022

SOCIALsculpture — How to See Houston 6/29/21

My Collaborators — the tools of a living sculpture— Caterpillars 7/20/21

The Symmetry of Weeds, Ecosystem Services and Art Activism 8/02/21

The First Installation— Immersion Art 2/08/21

Crepe Myrtles—Extractive Sculpturing and Holistic Art 1/29/21

Yard Clippings 1/27/21

The best of the past and a new future 1/19/21

The art of Research 1/09/21

Milkweed and Monarchs 1/03/21

The beauty of a leaf runs deep 1/02/21

Microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners 12/22/20

Bushy Blue Stem 12/21/20

In a Nutshell

Grassland VS Trees 12/19/20

Planet Instruction Manual 12/17/2020

Houston is perfect for Saving the bee 12/12/2020

Building Soil Life 12/11/20

Additional information and reading

- How Non-Native Plants are Contributing to Global Insect Decline

- Roundup herbicides, with glyphosate used in urban settings impacts Earhtworms ability to provide

ecosystem services.

- Contain Multitudes, The Microbes Within Us and A Grander View of Life, By Ed Young

- Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, by David R. Montgomery

- Allan Savory on how to fight desertification and reverse climate change

- Soil as Carbon Storehouse: New Weapon in Climate Fight? - Yale E360

- Soil Biology and Land Management

- How shocking events can spark positive change, Naomi Klein, Ted Talks Daily, July 28,2020

- Monitoring Soil Carbon

Read more

Thawing Out Texas

After discussing Symbiosis with a local philanthropist she recommended I write an informative article about native bees for one of the local neighborhood publications. Thawing Out Texas is the result of that discussion. I consider it part of the installation.

Thawing Out Texas

After our beloved energy city state buckled under extreme weather conditions again —I think we have an opportunity to strengthen our city. 

Your neighbor, I am also a citizen conservationist and abstract-artist-activist who fell in love with Houston in the '80s for its "can do" culture and courage to separate from the herd of national conformity mentality. By diversifying the plants we select to replace the now crunchy brown traditional non-native plants with non-hybrid native plants, we can lead our city and state and change the course of insect and bird extinction. With some of the most gifted creative gardeners in Texas, I trust we can find a way to redefine urban landscape.

In 2017, I started studying the bee situation pertaining to my art and my interest in regenerative agriculture/carbon sequestration in urban settings after learning the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the Rusty Patch Bumble Bee on the endangered species list. The campaign to list a species as endangered is lengthy and complicated. With this system, it is difficult to gauge how many species are endangered. Scientists predict that without pollinators, human life can only continue for four years. A true Houstonian, I love food — with the thought of losing tomatoes and Texas blueberries, I dove deeper into my bee research.

What I learned is the honey bee is great for making honey, industrializing agriculture and growing mono-crops, but for pollination, the bees we need in our neighborhoods and organic regenerative farms are native species. Native bees are responsible for pollinating 75% of the world's flowering plants; they are crucial for producing most fruits, nuts, and berries – our agriculture depends on pollination by native bees. Native bees are not easy to study; most of them are solitary bees living in dead stems, holes in rotting trees, and under our lawns. They cannot be industrialized, so there is little funding to research their habits and needs. They are much like the people drawn to Houston— independent, hard-working, and focused on energy.

Rural areas are highly impacted by the unanticipated consequences of our industrial agriculture's dependence on chemicals that weaken honey and native bee immune systems. Urban bee populations can be more diverse than in rural areas. In cities such as Chicago, Berlin, Berkley, and Melbourne, they have reimagined their greenspaces with native flowers, grasses, and fruits and vegetables researchers finding healthy, vibrant wild native bee populations.

In the U.S., there are four thousand native bee species, and they pollinate over three hundred times more effectively than honeybees. For example, a single female Leafcutter Bee visits 100,000 plus blossoms per day, whereas a honeybee visits 50-1,000. Unlike the honey bee, Native bees do not swarm, are not aggressive. Native bees are perfect for urban population centers. 

I start every morning with a long walk through my neighborhood’s streets and since I became bee-aware, I have seen a dramatic decrease in native bees in our yards. During COVID quarantine, I noticed an even more dramatic drop in native bee and insect numbers. Listening to my favorite soil biologist Allan Savory speak about earth conservation, his dealings with the USDA and activating change, he says that scientists and biologists can only do so much: artists and writers must create the visual images of change. I was already pretty deep in this rabbit hole, so it was not that big of a leap for me to commit my art practice to art activism with a focus on restoring ecological balance in Houston's urban landscape. In 2021 I am installing large-scale, site-specific works, titled Symbiosis at Lawndale Art Center and Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus, for Sculpture Month Houston 2021, alongside Rumblings, a collection of fifty monoprints of wild native bees.

Houston covers 600 square miles of land and has one of the longest growing seasons in the U.S. As it continues to expand across Texas, its gardens must increasingly become a refuge for native plants and animals. With 2.3 million people living in the most vital economic, cultural center of the south, we can become the most critical urban native bee habitat in the United States. 

Here, in Texas's most influential neighborhoods, is an enormous opportunity to change our residential landscape to support the wildlife that is vital to our existence and help mitigate extreme weather occurrences. The latest research supports that to rebuild native bee populations; we need to plant non-hybrid native plants, reduce pesticides in our gardens, including mosquito control devices, and replace artificial ground covers with flowering ground covers. The last twelve months have taught us that we can change. I invite you, my Texas neighbors, to step-up, separate from the herd; use your Texas "Thaw," and speak-up for Texas birds, bees and butterflies.

Left: a photo of a male Xylocopa micans, the Southern Carpenter bee. Xylocopa m. uses buzz pollination essential to pollinate tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Honey bees are too small to pollinate these foods. Xylocopa m. prefers to nest in dead wo…

Left: a photo of a male Xylocopa micans, the Southern Carpenter bee. Xylocopa m. uses buzz pollination essential to pollinate tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Honey bees are too small to pollinate these foods. Xylocopa m. prefers to nest in dead woody plants and is not found to nest in building frames like Xylocopa virginia.

Abstract watercolor monotype of Xylocopa m. buzz pollinating in my garden. A detail from Rumblings.30” X 44” detail  1 of 50 a work in progressback to portfolio

Abstract watercolor monotype of Xylocopa m. buzz pollinating in my garden. A detail from Rumblings.

30” X 44” detail 1 of 50 a work in progress

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