What does sound look like?

Using the Schlieren Flow Visualization method of photography, scientists photograph sound vibrations (even with them moving at 761.2 miles per hour.) NPR does a beautiful job of explaining this complicated process that scientists use to see sound. See link below-



It is amazing and inspiring to see photographs/videos of sound. With this additional visual inspiration and  conversations with art critic Laura Wellen and curator Kimberley Davenport, I have decided to create an installation in my new studio. 


I have moved my “score” (working title) sculpture to my new studio.

I have moved my “score” (working title) sculpture to my new studio.

Everything else is in a temporary storage facility 

Everything else is in a temporary storage facility 

I will miss my dogs 😒

I will miss my dogs 😒



With some luck by the end of the summer  my new studio will be filled with a 4D installation of the voice of the violin.