Endangered knowledge: the Soul of Humus.

SMH fall of 2020 was canceled due to Covid 19 last July of 2020. I put a halt on welding my piece and focused on planning “Symbiosis.” “Symbiosis” is installed the Big Show is opened which provided a tremendous amount of traffic. I will still check on it every day, but I will spend most of my day building my piece for SMH 2021. Today I started where I left off. Below are images from last year's work and blog posts.

When I stopped in 2020 I had the hooves on steel plate bases and new where I wanted them to bare the weight.

When I stopped in 2020 I had the hooves on steel plate bases and new where I wanted them to bare the weight.

Today I cut the rebar to form the lover part of the legs and grinded the tips. Tomorrow I weld.

Today I cut the rebar to form the lover part of the legs and grinded the tips. Tomorrow I weld.

Some of my notes from measuring Epics Bob the bison January of 2020.

Some of my notes from measuring Epics Bob the bison January of 2020.

My bison will be in motion not standing still.

The skull and upper jaw.

The skull and upper jaw.

And lower jaw

And lower jaw

4  pieces of rebar cut for each leg will provide the structure of the lower legs.

4 pieces of rebar cut for each leg will provide the structure of the lower legs.