IU - The labyrinth design - How will it be installed?

Once the grid is installed, the next step is to think about how to divide the work so that groups of student and volunteers can install my vision. .

Two options seem viable. The first idea is by marking the (X, Y) coordinates for each circuit of planting on individual pages. The other idea is by verticle rows.

Below I have marked the coordinates of the circuits. As I mark the coordinates I am not sure this is the way. I may need to break it down to smaller sections.

I can continue to consider how to breakdown the jobs as I begin building the grid.

IU - Natural systems - digestive system

Scaling up the drawing I also wanted to incorporate another layer of interest in the piece - the ruminant's digestive system.

Before the digestive system and with shorter legs.

In order to add this intestinal circuit his abdomen and hump had to get larger to allow for the walking paths on either side of it. The wider girth made his legs look like stumps so I lengthened his legs.

After the digestive system and leg adjustments.